.. / Speaking Engagement Details


March 29, 2018


Serverless Architecture Shootout


CodePaLOUsa - Louisvile, KY USA


Session Details



Serverless architecture is a way of computing that allows you to build/run applications and services without thinking about servers. Join Brian McKeiver and Kentico Technical Evangelist and Microsoft Azure MVP, Bryan Soltis, as they compare & contrast two of the most popular serverless platforms and services, Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS, to find out which platform reigns supreme.

The session will detail out how you can build a modern web site or web application that leverages a series of microservices as the main architecture. The microservices that will be compared and contrasted fall into the groups of Functions as a Service, Storage as a Service, Search as a Service, and even Headless CMS. All technologies that you can use to deliver sites to your customers faster.

If you are a seasoned veteran of Azure Functions or AWS Lambda, or brand new to the world of serverless, seeing the two platforms compared side by side might just give you a new point of view. At the very least, the goal of the session is to spark some interest in some new tools that will help you develop solutions that can seamlessly scale, deeply integrate, and deploy on demand. All of which gives you the power of the serverless advantage.

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