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Mar 2018

Building a Kentico News Android app with the Kentico Cloud Delivery JavaRX SDK

Our Community team is hard at work, producing new SDKs for Kentico Cloud for all types of platforms. From frontend to backend, web to mobile, there are countless frameworks we&...
Tags: "kentico cloud" "mobile app" android sdk

Sep 2017

Google AMPing the Kentico Advantage Site

When it comes to the web, it’s all about speed these days. Sure, flying toasters and embedded videos were all the rage 10 years ago. These days, people want to get to the...
Tags: "google amp" google mobile module

Jul 2017

Creating a Kentico Cloud-Powered Xamarin App - Part 1

As a Headless CMS, Kentico Cloud is all about delivering content to any channel. Whether it’s web, mobile, smartwatch, or carrier pigeon, companies need to edit their...
Tags: "kentico cloud" "mobile app" xamarin

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