Here is a list of my latest blogs.
I also have a number of articles published on Medium/Hackernoon, if you want to check those out, too!
Every version of Kentico is packed full of amazing features and updates. With Kentico 11, one of the biggest advancements was our built-in integration with Azure Search. In this...
"azure search" "kentico 11" azure integration
Everyone’s been to a site with truly awful search. You have an idea of what you are looking for, but no clue as to where to start. You click on the Search link and are...
"azure search" "faceted search" "kentico 11" azure search
Developers want to automate everything. Whether it’s moving code or testing a function, enslaving a machine to do your dirty work is the best way to exert your authority...
"azure functions" "azure search" "kentico cloud" webhooks
Everyone loves tips and tricks. Whether it’s a cool Netflix hack to view hidden titles or words of wisdom about the snow, it’s the little things that make a task...
search settings tips tricks
For the past few years, I’ve presented on Azure Search at several conferences and events. Microsoft’s Software-As-A-Service search solution is a great way to add...
"azure functions" "azure search" "kentico cloud" azure search
Developing applications using microservices is a great way to increase functionality, without being solely dependent on a single solution. By using multiple systems and services...
"azure search" "kentico cloud" azure microservices
Over the past few years, I have spoken on Azure Search several times at user groups and conferences around the world. While many developers are familiar with Microsoft Azure and...
"azure search" azure blobs